Damaged skin, particularly acne practically has an MBA in making you feel like crap about yourself.
Not only is it frustrating, persistent, painful, and difficult to heal - it’s also a problem literally staring you in the face.
But, what if I told you the secret to healthy skin isn’t what you put on your body, but in it?
Dermatology and plastic surgery would rather have you slather on numerous products – while conventional medicines work on the symptoms of the issue, not the root cause.
Sure, traditional treatment protocols may be needed in certain cases. However, it’s important to know that acne isn’t always a superficial issue. It’s often an indication that something isn’t right within!
So, why does acne happen?
- Excessive sebum (oil) production by the skin
- Rapid division of skin cells
- Delayed skin cell separation and death
- Bacteria on the skin surface
- Inflammatory response
The food we eat and our body fat cells play a role in sebum production, hormones, and inflammation. And, hormonal changes (largely influenced by diet) likely have the greatest influence on acne!
To that effect, our lifestyles serve as a powerful medicine. You can’t expect your body to function amazingly well – while giving it low-grade fuel.
Here’s how to upgrade your skincare game:
- Include good quality fats! Your cells and hormones require these to function optimally. Some of our favourite sources include nuts, seeds, coconut flesh, avocados, and olive oil!
- Minimize the refined stuff. Refined sugar, refined vegetable oil, and refined carbohydrates tend to worsen inflammation in the body.
- Sleep for 7-9 hours! Poor sleep hygiene can increase signs of aging and create low satisfaction with appearance. Eventually, emotional stress can worsen skin disorders.
- Rethink your cosmetics. Refrain from using creams, sun block and cosmetics that contain paraben, petrochemicals, lead or other toxins. Drugs and chemicals are easily absorbed through your skin.
- Optimize nutrient status. Low levels of Vitamin C and E, Zinc, Selenium, and Carotenoids might contribute to acne. These key nutrients help fight free radicals and help with producing collagen and repairing skin damage.
- Spice it up. Many spices (e.g. cinnamon, ginger, turmeric) and fresh herbs (e.g. basil, oregano, garlic) are anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and immune-boosting.
- Increase intake of anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fatty acids through food/supplements and minimize heavily processed fats (mainly Omega-6 rich ones!)
- Take care of your gut! This particularly applies to anyone who has been using antibiotics for acne. Our gut is hosts trillions of bacteria and if this delicate balance is out of whack, this might have a negative influence on acne. Think of ways to incorporate more probiotic rich foods into your routine. While you’re at it – also look for food sensitivities!
Acne and other skin disorders (usually) don’t develop overnight! More so, natural methods of treatment typically take longer to yield results than their conventional counterparts do. So be patient in expecting results while making one or more of these changes.
I know… the health and fitness world can sometimes be a confusing place. But it doesn’t have to be.
If you’re looking to improve your skin health – we can help!