Reimagine Medicine

1-1 Nutrition Coaching


Avoid the ups and downs of dieting and learn to nurture your body while finding ways to eat whole, move well, and feel amazing.

And, say goodbye to dead-end diagnosis and late-night searches. We go beyond symptoms to treat the root cause of your concerns and deliver long-term healing.

Who is it for?

The Metabolic Spectrum: Diabetes, Obesity & Cardiovascular Disease

Digestive Issues: IBS, SIBO, & Leaky Gut

Hormonal Health: Adrenal Fatigue, PCOS & Thyroid

Energy, Immunity, and Inflammation

Pre-Natal, Pregnancy & Post-Partum Concerns

Unwell & Undiagnosed Cases

Fad-Diet Recovery & Disordered Eating

Sport-Specific Performance & Body Recomposition

How does it work?


Test & Assess

Review detailed health history, advanced diagnostic lab results and cocreate a way forward during the initial consult.


Personalize & Plan

Receive a customised healing protocol catered towards improving your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.


Track & Refine

Get the support you need to achieve your goals and navigate challenges with regular biweekly 30-minute follow-ups to update your plan.

Weight-neutral coaching, explained

At Burgers To Beasts, we don't prescribe restrictive diets or fixate on weight change.

Why? Imagine a product that not only fails to deliver on its promises but mostly does the exact opposite: a hair brush that leaves your hair tangled or a car that moves you away from your destination.

That’s what restrictive diets do; despite their main intention being weight loss, they usually result in weight failure. Worse yet, they can be incredibly psychologically and physiologically damaging – creating body insecurities, emotional ties to food, suppressed metabolism, and even eating disorders.

So, instead of focusing on external cues like calorie counting, food intake, and a comprehensive list of rules – we combine the practices of eating psychology with methods of behavioural change and leverage the power of food as medicine to empower clients to trust their bodies to make the best decisions for themselves and find long-term healing.

Our signature goal-oriented means of communication is free from authorative pressure - because the right to eat what’s good for your body is inalienable. When eating is overtaken by sins and virtues - the cornerstone of health living begins to crumble. So, think of us like guide dogs. You know where you want to go, but we just help you navigate the obstacles along the way.

Invest in Your Health

3 Months -


  • 60-minute Initial Consult, with Kripa
  • 6 x 30-minute Follow Up Sessions, with Kripa
  • 1:1 Video Sessions
  • Personalised Plans, as required
  • Supplement Prescription
  • Customized Recipes
  • Educational Guides
  • Unconditional Email Support, with Kripa
Join Now
36,500 INR | 521 USD

3 Months -

In Person

  • 60-minute Initial Consult, with Kripa
  • 6 x 30-minute Follow Up Sessions, with Kripa
  • 7 x Body Composition Analyses
  • Personalised Plans, as required
  • Supplement Prescription
  • Customized Recipes
  • Educational Guides
  • Unconditional Email Support, with Kripa
Join Now
39,500 INR | 564 USD

Once you have signed up, you will be able to view and book a slot based on mutual availability. The wait time on an appointment from the date of sign up is between 6-8 days. Appointments are available on a first come first serve basis.


I've been absolutely astounded by the positive changes that have occurred as a result of her recommendations. I had been struggling with PCOS and an immunity-related issue for an extended period. Despite taking numerous tablets and losing a significant amount of weight over several months, I didn't see any improvement until I turned to Kripa at B2B. I am incredibly pleased and satisfied with my experience and wholeheartedly recommend it!

Vansika R

I am eating guilt-free for the first time in my life-my sugar cravings have diminished dramatically, and I have a whole new relationship with food. THANK YOU for all the great tips that are realistic and don’t take the fun out of life!

I had many lasting takeaways, including several recipes I keep going back to :) I would highly recommend Kripa to anyone not only trying to lose weight, but also who needs to fix their relationship with FOOD!

Sampoorna A

For the longest time I have struggled with feeling healthy. I wouldn't be able to get out of bed after 10 hours of sleep, I would be constantly bloated and I would feel immense guilt after eating foods I wasn't "supposed" to.Working with Kripa has given me back my energy, my enthusiasm and a guilt-free approach to food.

Divya N

Wondering if we're a good fit?

Schedule a FREE 10-minute exploration call over Zoom with our care team!
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Who is this for?

Our holistic, science-backed approach to nutrition is effective at managing persistent symptoms and chronic conditions—most of which can be reversed or healed with lifestyle changes.

This program is great for:

  • Digestive issues
  • Mental wellbeing
  • Fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum care
  • Metabolism and weight management
  • Heart and metabolic health
  • Hormonal health
  • Autoimmune and inflammatory conditions
  • Skin conditions
  • Unexplained symptoms
  • Sport-specific performance
  • Recovery from eating disorders
What’s included in this program?

The 3-month in-person/virtual membership includes:

  • An initial consult, with Kripa
  • 6 follow-up sessions, with Kripa
  • Personalized health plans that address nutrition, sleep, movement, and mental fitness
  • A thorough review of lab work
  • A detailed supplement prescription, updated as needed
  • Customized recipes
  • Educational guides
  • Convenient online scheduling
  • Unlimited email support, with Kripa
What’s NOT included in this program?

Some costs are not included in your membership and require out-of-pocket expenses:

  • Lab tests
  • Consults with doctors
  • Non-medical services like fitness classes and supplements
How does the program work?
  • Step 1: Getting Started - Complete the recommended blood work and have your initial consult with Kripa to understand your health concerns, review lab work, and receive initial recommendations.
  • Step 2: Insights - Get your personalized health plan to address any underlying conditions with appropriate recommendations for better nutrition, sleep, stress management, healthy movement, and incorporate supplements as needed.
  • Step 3: Progress - Begin your health journey and track progress on your personalized tracker. Thereafter, review your progress and make updates to your plan during follow-up sessions, every 2 weeks.
  • Step 4: Support & Results - Experience a decrease in your symptoms and reduce reliance on prescription medication, under the supervision of your doctor. Meanwhile, reach out to us with questions via email, in in-between visits.
Who will be my nutritionist?

You will work directly with Kripa for all thing’s nutrition: your initial consult, follow-up sessions, personalized plans, and questions between visits.

Will I have to cut out lots of food?

At Burgers to Beasts, we only recommend eliminating foods that you are allergic to. Because we don’t believe in labelling foods as “good” or “bad” – there’s no morality involved.

However, for certain health conditions – we may temporarily recommend an elimination diet. Many suffer from these symptoms for long periods without realizing the connection to food. It isn’t until a food is eliminated from the diet, that the connection with symptoms can be made. After a brief elimination period, a personalized food reintroduction is a next step. Reintroduction involves adding back one food at a time to observe whether that food causes symptoms.

What about my dietary restrictions/preferences?

Individuals are unique! So, their care should be too. Each plan is thoroughly personalized – keeping in mind your likes, dislikes, intolerances, and importantly, convenience. Whether, you are paleo, vegan, pescatarian, or vegetarian, we’ve got you covered!

Do you run blood tests?

We do not run bloodwork in-house. However, we do recommend a list of tests before your initial consult. This complete blood profile test will assess your overall blood and cellular health as well as the risk of disease. Once this information is collected, we can keep it on file to track changes over time.

Will I lose weight/How fast will I see results?

Today, far too many diets are created solely from the perspective of weight loss. As a result, individuals tend to experience several symptoms like hair fall, acne, low energy levels, and missed periods, as a side effect. Instead, we focus on your health and let weight change be a by-product of that. That being said, we think the human body can safely lose 2-3 kgs/month sustainably.

Individual results and progress differ wildly, from person to person depending on several factors: inclusive of but not limited to the severity of the condition, medication, sleep, stress levels, movement, etc. However, typically most people witness a change in symptoms within the first few weeks of working together.

Are exercise recommendations provided?

We stick to our area of expertise – which is designing stellar nutrition protocols. That being said, we make sure to customize our suggestions to support your training regimen and may make recommendations for you to switch up your exercise routine, if necessary.

Do you offer shorter programs?

No. We strongly believe that 365 days of health can’t be created in 7-, 14-, and 21-day plans. This particular holds for health issues – wherein the body takes longer to heal (symptoms like chronic gas and PMS would count too.) Importantly, this is root cause treatment – which does not act as rapidly as conventional medicine.

What happens if I don’t finish my sessions in the required time frame?

We understand that real life can quickly derail the best laid-out plans. Therefore, we offer a 2-4-week grace period (depending on the case) for you to redeem all your sessions.

What is the difference between your in-person and online programs?

Both programs have the same offerings. However, the in-person program offers the body composition analysis test – utilizing the InBody 270 apparatus.

Won’t I gain weight with a non-diet approach?

You might assume by talking about this non-diet philosophy, we’re advocating for an anti-weight loss approach. We’re not.

It's pro-health.

Here, by taking the focus off of weight loss and body composition, and instead concentrating on developing a positive relationship with food, you can avoid the emotional roller coaster associated with the dieting mindset while improving overall health and wellness.