Sustainable Nutrition

5 Hair Loss Strategies That Actually Work

Written By: Kripa Jalan

5 Hair Loss Strategies That Actually Work

In general we tend to think of hair fall as an issue that largely affects men. But in reality, it’s known to impact over a third of women across the world. 

You may have heard that it’s normal to lose about a hundred strands a day - but when our precious hair starts falling by the bunch, we panic, get upset and our self-confidence takes a hit.

What do we generally do?

More often than not, we rush to closest pharmacy to buy medicines and cosmetics that promise to restore the health of our hair. 

But here’s the thing – hair fall is a clear sign that something's not right inside your body. 

The typical drivers of hair loss range from autoimmune issues, hormonal imbalances, poor gut health, insulin resistance, inflammation, high levels of stress, to environmental toxicity, and more.

What your hair loss pattern could be telling you:

  1. Patchy - A Cortisol imbalance or deficiencies in Vitamin B/Zinc
  2. Thinning - A hormonal balance e.g. Thyroid
  3. Top of the head - Testosterone, Progesterone, Estrogen, or Cortisol out of balance
  4. Balding all over - Poor circulation or deficiencies in protein and/or essential fatty acids
  5. Total body - DHEA, blood sugar regulation, or circulation issues

Most topical solutions will not solve for internal problems.

So if you really want to work on the problem at hand, focus more on what you put into your body than what you put on it. 

With that in mind, here are 3 things you need to know about hairfall:

  1. Eat adequate food! We can develop deficiencies through under and over nutrition. The latter happens when we’re eating enough food – but most of it tends to be nutrient-poor food. Our bodies need a plethora of vitamins and miners to function optimally. When it receives too little of these, it allocates the limited resources towards vital bodily functions. In the process, hair (which isn’t a necessity for survival) takes a hit. 
  2. Balance your hormones. Thyroid hormones, androgens, testosterone and DHEA, can impact certain hair follicles more than others. Hormones are incredibly delicate, and a minor imbalance can create major trouble. You need good quality fats to make your hormones, nourish your cells as well as suppress inflammation which is closely associated with hair fall! 
  3. Eat more protein. Diets low in this macronutrient can contribute to hairfall over time – given that our hair is literally made up of protein (Keratin.) If you’re not consuming enough, you may miss out on the essential nutrients and amino acids found in protein rich foods that help support and bolster healthy hair.
  4. Vitamins and minerals! Iron isn’t just for helping our red blood cells carry oxygen to cells, it also plays a vital role in hair growth. Likewise a Biotin deficiency can exacerbate hair loss. Other nutrients or macronutrients in the diet that are important for hair health include omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and vitamins A, D, E, C. Work with your healthcare provider to determine the right dose for you!
  5. Revamp your cosmetics. Switch to higher quality hair products, with fewer chemicals. Shampoos, conditioners, relaxers, and other hair products often contain chemicals that throw off your hormone balance by mimicking Estrogen. Estrogen in turn regulates collagen production, which is vital to your hair and skin.

All that said and done, please note that we tend to overestimate the degree of control we have over our bodies. Unfortunately, genetic determinants cannot be overlooked. 

If your hair is and has always been scanty owing to your genes, there’s a some self-acceptance that needs to come into play. I know it’s tough but there’s no place for guilt and shame in wellness!

If you’re wondering why your hair is falling out, don’t get discouraged by all the potential causes. At Burgers To Beasts, we often help clients with hair loss to identify the root cause and find the right treatment plan. 

Working on a lifestyle that supports overall good health with proper nutrition, exercise, and potentially adding some anti-inflammatory supplements can go a long way while you work with your health providers to investigate the problem and kick hair loss for good.